
Appium - Setting Up Your Testing Environment (Windows)

Appium is platform independent so executing Appium scripts is largely consistent across all the major platforms (Linux, Mac, and Windows). In this section, we will discuss how can you setup Appium and it’s dependencies on Windows platforms. Installation on Windows Software required: Java Android SDK (Android Studio)  Node.js  Appium Desktop Server  1) Install JAVA and set JAVA_HOME  Install the Java Development Kit Software.  Go to:   Select the appropriate JDK software and click Download.  The JDK software is installed on your computer, for example, at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.7.  Note: You can move the JDK software to another location if desired. Set JAVA_HOME Right click My Computer and select Properties.  On the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables, and then edit JAVA_HOME to point to where the JDK software is located, lik...
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